Thursday, September 25, 2008


hari ini aku pegi keje seperti biase... alhamdulillah hari ini, pagi ini, aku sampai awal kat ofis.. awal beberapa minit la berbanding semalam...

well... tak tau nape pagi aku rase hapi je... tak macam selalu.. selalunye aku tak semangat nak gi keje.. tapi hari ni lain pulak rasanye... maybe sebab aku dah berada dalam mood raye kot... seperti biasa kalau pagi... lalu depan reception, ade je benda yang aku kene amik.. well, itu lah yang aku akan buat tiap pagi if kak Jun ade la...

once aku dah masuk ofis, i distributed all those things to each division... then, i went to see kak hanizah, asking for Hari Raya Card... and she did asked me, how many card i wants.. i said 20.. and she gave me 20 pieces.. i regret for not asking more than that.. but its ok... i was still happy.. better less than never.. the cards will be distributed to all my friends who comes for tomorrow's iftar...

then, aku gi la to my workstation.. i saw something on my kerusi... i figured it out.. apparently.. kuih raye.. i guess it must be from my beloved bos, Mdm Suria... hmmm... i asked kak Shim... whose this??... she just said, "may be from puan suria.".... then ok..... i thought it was just kuih raya... rupenye ade duit raye terselit... how much? tak payah la aku bagitau... greatful.. thanks Bos! luv you.. hehehe...

tu je la utk pagi ini...


puteri_jelita said...

erk..dpt duit raya ye...
aku pun tgu bos aku bg duit raya...lambat tul la..huhuhu

tHe_One said...

of coursee!! you know right!!??? i ni kesayangan Bos... hahahahaha.. (Takde maknenyer)... esok aku nak jumpa si ain a.k.a Saidon.. kitorang nak buke pose kat Kl Sentral... muahahaha.. jom... i blanjer... jom ler...

puteri_jelita said...

tapun..tapun, ko p ja la sma c saidon, kirim salam sama si dungs..